Euclidean norm

网络  欧几里德范数; 欧几里德长度; 欧氏范数; 欧几里得范数; 欧几里得长度



  1. For instance, it's also the square of the Euclidean norm on R2, the length of a two-dimensional vector, a part of the triangle inequality, and quite a bit more.
  2. Analysis on measures of rotational error for a rigid body based on Euclidean norm
  3. Application of euclidean norm theory on bid evaluation in construction project
  4. Euclidean norm theory was used to select and optimize the contractors during the evaluation work of the construction projects.
  5. The euclidean norm of an n-vector x with real or complex components is defined as following.
  6. To overcome the first problem of FCM and keep the computation simplicity, we replace Euclidean norm with kernel-induced distance and get the fuzzy partition result with weighted fuzzy clustering.
  7. ⅱ-ill conditioning diagnostics based on Euclidean norm
  8. Since the residual will not diverge with respect to the Euclidean norm, the new algorithm is safer than the product hybrid GMRES algorithm.
  9. Gradient shrink algorithm is a new optimization algorithm for unconstrained functions, and it is expected to cause the Euclidean norm of the gradient of objective function gradually shrinks to zero in order to minimize the object.
  10. Finally, we also extend the L1-median estimate in our reversion strategy by replacing the Euclidean norm of L1-median with Huber loss function. We re-estimate the underlying stock price vector and obtain the similar results with L1-median by experiments.